“I Love to Shoplift” by The Wrecks from their 1982 Teenage Jive cassette
The Wrecks “Punk is an Attitude” from the 1982 MRR Compilation Not So Quiet on the Western Front on Alternative Tentacles
The final lineup of The Dicks. Lynn: “Tim Carroll left the SF Dicks. On top of the hood of the car is Granny. At the end of SF Dicks, a 6 to 8 month period, to the best of my recollection, Granny was the guitar player for those last several months and last few shows, including big Olympic auditorium in LA —our final show ever. I am still buddies with him. He lives in Sweden and still plays guitar and is an avid road cyclist.” Photographer unknown.
The Dicks “Off-Duty Sailor” from the album These People, 1985 Alternative Tentacles
“Hey Kids” from the Sister Double Happiness album Heart and Mind, 1991 on Reprise
“San Diego” from the 1993 Sister Double Happiness album Uncut, released on Sub Pop
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